Thursday 27 October 2011

How to improve English among Student College.

The ways to improve English among Student College are:

  • Mass media can help in some ways. Television, radio, newspapers, and magazines can expose you to everyday English and give you information on topics you can discuss with other people news events, social trends, athletic contests, and so on. Game shows, dramas, and even non-fiction shows like those found on Discovery Channel or the History Channel are great choices for developing vocabulary and following the content at a faster pace. There are ways. It might be a good idea to use English as the medium of instruction in non-exam subjects. In addition, schools need to promote the love for reading which will lead to the love for knowledge, and somehow will improve the language.

1.    Reading- At this beginning level, the language learner can also start reading children books, beginning with the simplest, and progressing to harder reading. 

2.    Writing- So far we have discussed listening and reading, and now it is time for writing. Encourage your students and other language learners with whom and practice to keep a daily journal. I encourage language learners to write about anything of interest, and especially about his or her daily journey in language learning. This journal develops writing skills on a daily basis, integrating vocabulary from the day, and also helps ease the frustrations of learning a new language and living in a new place.

3.    Speaking- Speaking is often the most intimidating part of leaning a new language because it is active and apparent to those around you. English language learners may find that it is intimidating to go shopping, make friends at school or speak up in class. It is essential the student connect with those who speak English in order to practice. For adults, there are many community groups that may provide common interests where language learners can connect with other native speakers for natural practice and friendship. 

4.    In addition to these practical every day steps, an online tutor may be a great help to the language learner. Many students fall behind in class because they have trouble understanding the vocabulary for the content. A tutor can work with the student on assignments and also act as an English practice buddy. 

5.    Daily language practice in listening, reading, writing, and speaking will accelerate the rate at which the learner acquires a second language. With English fluency and confidence, the English speaker will be ready to meet the opportunities available in the English speaking world.

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