Thursday 27 October 2011

How do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I always was wondering what I’m going to be in the future. Everybody has their own dreams that they are dream for their whole life. The way I see myself is different from the others see me. Always dreaming for the gracious good things, that is me. But I don’t expecting more from that worthless dream but I do hope that maybe some of my dream will come into reality. In several years ahead, I see myself have just graduated from public university as a degree holder and at that time looking for a job that suit my qualifications. 

Everyone in this world has dream for the best things in their life and that goes the same with me. Executive or officer in government linked company or agency that related to government is always being my aspiration in life. I like to meet and solve other people problems. That makes me feel happy and relieved when I saw their problems gone. In five years from now, I will become a successful worker in Government Company and I will build a happy family. For some people, it is not a great time to build a family or getting married when we are just starting our career but it different for me. I think family can give me support and can accompany me when I needed. Establishing a good career and happy family was not an easy task but I will make sure that I do my best to achieve what I dream for in my life and my determination to success will not ends here but they will always glittering in my heart and my soul.

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